Saturday, July 11, 2009

E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen’s adoption strategies

Posted by yc tong at Saturday, July 11, 2009 0 comments

The implementation of e-government started since the initiation of Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) by the Malaysian government and was launched to lead Malaysia into the Information Age and also realize the vision 2020. The implementation of e-government is to reinvent the government by transforming the way it operates, modernizing and enhancing its service delivery. It is to enhance the convenience, accessibility and quality of interactions with public and businesses by using information technologies. Besides that, it also will improve information flow and processes within the government, improve the speed and quality of policy development, and improve coordination and enforcement.

Current applications of e-government in Malaysia are E-filing, Renewing Road Tax, Driving License Online, KWSP’s Online Account, E-Perolehan and etc. KWPS Online Account is the online EPF account. Members can use the KWSP’s i-Akaun to check withdrawal status and history; check statement of account for the current year as well as for previous years; update personal information and also calculate the amount eligible for withdrawal for various withdrawal schemes.

However, E-Perolehan is the electronic procurement system which converts traditional manual procurement processes in the Government machinery to electronic procurement on the internet. It allows suppliers to present their products online, so that they can receive, manage, and process purchase orders and also receive payment from government agencies through the internet. Other than that, government also provide online renewing driving license service and renewing road tax services to citizens. For example, My E.G Service Berhad is engaged in the business of development and implementation of e-government services which allow public to renew licenses, road tax and etc online.

Common problem encountered by consumer

1. According to Rogers (1995), complexity is the degree to which an innovation is perceived as relatively difficult to understand and use. Because everyone differs in their knowledge and skills with respect to a specific technology and may perceive different level of complexity in its use. Complexity acts as obstacle to the process of technology adoption and implementing a complex new technology involves learning both at the individual and at the organizational level. Therefore, if users perceive that the e-services are difficult, then they will not use it. complexity inhibit the users’ adoption of e-services.

2. Users concern about the security of their transactions. They are worried about the risk of third parties obtaining critical information about the user (e.g. access to credit card or bank account details). According to research, consumers were concern about the presence of security features such as encryption and authentication on an e-commerce site. This is a serious matter that has to be considered by government officials because users will only do online transaction activities when they feel safe and secure.

3. Nowadays, ICT plays an increasingly central role in the workplace and society, knowledge and experience with ICTs are becoming essential. Lack of skill appears to be a significant barrier to user’s adoption of ICT. For those who are IT illiteracy and don’t know how to use computer are less likely to use e-services.

Way to encourage more citizens to use e-government application

1. service quality

E-government service quality can be measured in term of the quality of content provided on the website, the speed of response to solve citizens’ problem and availability of names. Other than that, telephone and fax numbers should be provided to citizens in case they need to get in touch to inquire something. Higher quality of service will lead to higher levels of customer satisfaction and thus increase the use of e-government services.

2. Security of website

The government official’s website with user services should have a security and privacy and encrypted pages to demonstrate an increased interesting in protecting users and citizens rather than simply protecting government’s interests.

3. Training and webpage design

In order to tackle the IT illiteracy problem, training must be done to train those who do not know how to use computer. Besides that, it is helpful if the services are designed in such a way that it only requires basic computer skills, so that more people will know how to use it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

A discussion on E-learning offered in Malaysian universities: Pros and Cons from the students perspective

Posted by e-commerce at Wednesday, July 08, 2009 0 comments
Today we going to talk about the e-learning but what is e-learning?

E-learning also knows as electronic learning, according to Turban et. al. (2008) e-learning is the online delivery of information for purpose of education, training, or knowledge management. So based on this we can know that e-learning must online access to take the material of study or study online this may be a trend for the e-learning. However, this e-learning also have benefit to adopt it but this will explain further in the following paragraph.

Here is some of the example of e-learning that offered in Malaysia universities

This is UM e-learning and here is the link

This is another university,
This is UTAR web based learning environment,
Pros of e-learning
Can study anywhere and anytime where you can log in the website to get the study material as you like as long as have internet access so this become flexibility for student which don’t have restriction of attending the class. In traditional education, geographic area or time constraint will lead the student can’t make it to class maybe too far from home so take time to go campus to study. Moreover, the study can download the reading material through e-learning so this is environment care which saves cost and environment in reducing using paper for the note.

Cons of e-learning
Recently, the technology innovation is keep increase this may lead the technology become more and more complex so the student may not use the e-learning due to complexity of technology. By the way, also face another problem which don’t have the campus live and face to face interaction so this may lead the student dislike study online because student like to social with people, enjoy a meal with friend, chatting, and so on. Sometime, the student may find out difficult to download the study material because the lecturer did not upload it yet and need to wait and wait until upload it.

So as a conclusion, the e-learning have pros and cons but is better to have traditional education and e-learning together for purpose of education.

Turban, E., King, D., McKay, J., Marshall, P., Lee, J., & Viehland, D. (2008). Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2008 (International Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson-Education International.

Corporate Blogging: A new marketing communication tool for companies

Posted by e-commerce at Wednesday, July 08, 2009 0 comments
Nowadays, corporate blogging is being used as a new marketing communication tools for companies. The corporate blog is published and used by an organizational to reach its organizational goals. Corporate blog has been divided into three types which are internal blogs, external blogs and CEO blogs.

One of the successful blogs is Amazon Web Services Blog by that about Amazon web services, products, tools and developer information. It helps to improve the communications and its customer services, attract more people to consume and discuss new products online. Corporate blogging provides a clear mind map or editorial guidelines of overall marketing or communication strategy to its employees and third parties with organization communication plan and media mix.

Besides that, it helps in encourage employees' participation in contribution of expertise, free discussion of issues and how to deal with it, share ideas and views among employees and be a direct communication between various layers of an organization. Furthermore, corporate blog can be used to announce new products and services, explain and clarify policies of the companies and react on publicly criticism on certain issues.

The advantages of blogs is that posts and comments are easy to reach and follow due to centralized and hosting and generally structured conversation threads. Other than that, corporate blogging can be more accessible among the executives since the blogs are an "unparalleled information gathering mechanism". Furthermore, executives can receive the important information from employees and customers feedback will be recorded on the blog and increases the efficiency.

However, there is disadvantages for corporate blogging also. The corporate blogging might make it easier to breach the information security and loss of companies privates and confidential data or information.

In conclusion, corporate blogging is getting important for corporation to deliver the messages privately or publicly since it has brought many advantages even though the disadvantages come along with it. By applying corporate blogging to the organizations, it can interact with a target market on a more personal level while building links credibility that can ultimately be tied back to the corporate site.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Review a local, transactional E-commerce site

Posted by e-commerce at Tuesday, July 07, 2009 0 comments

In this E-century, there are many local transactional sites available. The local e-commerce site that we choose is Today, with its e-commerce operations, Blooming is linked with most reliable florists throughout Malaysia. Blooming is linked with more than 100,000 florists worldwide through its membership in Interflora Pacific Unit Limited.

The website design is simple as well as users friendly to direct users to search for what they want. Blooming website differentiate the product by promotions and festivals, by the products itself and occasions. Image are readily displays the appearance of the products and the prices is shown.

Besides, users can purchase flowers on this website by Online Credit Card Payment, Online Banking, Kawanku ATM, Open Bill Payment and Cash Payment. There is a shopping cart available on the top right hand side.

There are special promotions for value customer and Blomming accept HCBC, RHB, Alliance, Southern, Public, CIMB, Standard Chartered and Astro Credit card.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Electronic Currency

Posted by yc tong at Sunday, July 05, 2009 0 comments

What come to your mind when u first heard of e- currency?

Electronic currency is also call electronic cash or digital cash which is the money that exchange only electronically by using computer networks, internet, and digital stored value systems. Nowadays, because of technologies advancement, people tend to do online transaction via computer. Since internet and e-commerce have became a part of our life, thus electronic currency is very useful in doing transaction via internet. The most widely-used of electronic money are Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and Direct Deposit. EFT is a system of performing financial transactions electronically while Direct Deposit is a banking option that allows for the transfer funds without the hassle associated with paper checks. The growing popularity in using electronic currency is paving the way for a paperless universe where checks, stamps, envelopes and paper bills are obsolete. The pros of electronic currency include reduced administrative costs, increased transaction efficiency, simplified bookkeeping, and provide greater security. Electronic currency allows users to perform transaction privately. Electronic currency is anonymous as compared to real cash, because customer sent the amount to a merchant via internet, thus banker is unable to obtain personal information about customer.

Examples of e-Microsystems


Payloadz are a new media development firm specializing in providing solutions for merchants and the community of developers. It is located in New York City and was founded in 1996 as a web development company and has grown to become one of the fore front developers utilizing Macromedia development products. It is a service selling digital products such as software, music, movie and etc. The products will deliver to customers instantly after payment. The system operates by using PayPal and Google checkout.

Paystone technologies

Paystone is founded in 2001 which operates in United States, Canada and Philippines with international cash out capabilities in many other countries. It provides an inexpensive online payment method without the risk of charge backs from fraudulent credit card use. Paystone can efficiently handle small financial transaction (micropayments) as low as $0.25. The ability to process micropayments opens a whole new world for entrepreneurs of all sizes. A small business or individual now has a method of generating revenue from their website quickly, easily and inexpensively. This makes a whole new range of content available to personal account holders. The large online merchant can also realize the full benefits of the Paystone solution to expand and increase the profitability of their business.

In addition to payments Paystone also provides an email money transfer option. A Paystone account holder can send funds to the email address of anyone in many countries around the world. The recipient of the funds signs up for Paystone and can cash out the money to their local bank account. For companies sending a large volume of payments they can access our GroupPay© feature to send many individuals money all at once.


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