Saturday, June 20, 2009

An example of an E-commerce success

Posted by e-commerce at Saturday, June 20, 2009 0 comments
Example of Success in E-Commerce, this topic which will come in mind is the company like EBay and Those are recently most popular e-commerce website but sometime I wondering is Domino’s is an example of success of the e-commerce?
The answer is yes, which I found out that the Domino’s pizza win the competitor Pizza Hut with the online order service in UK which the Pizza Hut did not offer this kind of service in the pass.
Moreover, the technology revolution and globalization, the growth of the high speed in broadband so the customer serve the web faster and can place an order online. Domino’s find out that placing order online is faster then phone order which 45 and 90 seconds respectively. Some more, the web page design is friendly user and makes it “fast, easy and intuitive”. So because of those the online order is easy to use and completely focused.
However, the Domino’s pizza also implements the m-commerce and they think this have the potential to increase the sales due to 12% of people placing order through mobile phone.

The following is the Domino’s e-commerce milestones
1997 first interactive pizza delivery completed in Cardiff through YesTV
July 1999 signs deal with Open
Sept 1999 launches Open interactive service
Nov 1999 rolls out online pizza-ordering service
July 2000 Telewest and Cable & Wireless (ntl) launch interactive TV (iTV)
Sept 2000 Domino’s airs the first fully transactional iTVad
2000 iTV makes up 80 per cent of e-commerce the remainder being Internet
2004 Internet makes up 80 per cent of e-commerce the rest is iTV
2005 e-commerce net sales reach £13.9 million. 70 per cent up on 2004 and make up 10.4 percent of a of all delivered sales in the UK (excluding carry-out)
2006 mobile commerce service launches on Reporo [1]

Some part of the Domino’s pizza profit in 2007 is contributed by e-commerce and drive sales up by 36.3 per cent. [2]

In conclusion Domino’s pizza is success example of e-commerce and always sold on speed which promises will send u a pizza in 30 minute so don’t forget when u hungry go Domino’s because Domino’s terminate your hunger!

So remember to order your pizza online at this link

1. Susie Harwood. (2006, June). Domino's delivers through digital. Revolution,40-42. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1066701041).
2. Domino's gains from broadband and digital. (2007, February). Precision Marketing,5. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1223235941).

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Revenue Model for Google, and eBay

Posted by yc tong at Thursday, June 18, 2009 0 comments
Every business needs the specific business model to generate revenue to sustain itself. All of these business models must specify their revenue model that describes on how the company will earn revenue. For your information, there are several revenue models in this information technology business environment which are sales, transaction fees, subscription fees, advertising fees, affiliate fees, and some other revenue sources.


The main source of Google’s revenue is from advertising. Google earns most of the revenue through two advertising programs which are Google Adwords and Google Adsense. Google Adwords is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising program which targeted for both text and banner advertisement. The payment of Google Adwords is based on qualifying click-through. It allows the advertisers to present their advertisements to people at the moment they are looking for information which related to what the advertiser has offered. On the other side, Google Adsense is an ad serving program which allows web advertisers to enroll text, image, and video advertisement in Google’s search results and other Google related websites. The revenue is generated on a per-click or per-thousand-ads-displayed basis and the ads are administered by Google. In addition, Google also using affiliate revenue model to generate income as it provides a highlighted web address or images that link to another website.


eBay is an online auction and shopping website which allow everyone sell and buy products online. This means that the participants bid for the products over the internet. eBay has various revenue models in generate its revenue, but the majority revenue is earned from the transaction fees revenue models. Other than the e-auction, eBay also own the Paypal and Skype which help it to generate additional revenue other than the e-auction. is a completely e-commerce company which is a retail merchant that operates solely over the web and it is also known as one of the first major companies to sell goods through internet. It is different from eBay because Amazon owned its inventories and constitute sales in its website. Other than operates retail websites, it also provides programs that enable third party the opportunity to sell their products on its web sites worldwide. The revenue earned by Amazon is mostly based on the sales revenue model.

In conclusion, three of these companies are using different revenue models in generating their revenue, moreover have successfully earned a large amount of money. However, in my opinion, I think Google is earning the most revenue as compare to the other two companies, this is because of Google not only generate its revenue from advertising and affiliation, but it also using other methods.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

example of an E-comm failure and its causes

Posted by e-commerce at Wednesday, June 17, 2009 1 comments
the failure E-comm example that we choose is the was launched in July 1998 by Donald W.Hackett and John F.Zaccaro wiht $6million from Superior Consultant Company Inc, a healthcare IT firm in Bloomfield,Michigan. was a leading global healthcare Network which provide measurable value to individual world wide.

Its mission was to empower consumers with the information and resources they need to become active participants in the management of their own health. Koop owned a famous face before co-founding an Internet company and, indeed, before the Web even exists.

During 1998, the operating revenues notched just $43,000, but that didn't keep the company from going public in June 1999. Subsequently, DrKoop's business plan rested on advertising and in 1999, there were not enoguh of healthcare advertisers to support it and there are many others healthcare dot-com trolling for ad buyers.

Besides that, failed to achieve complete success and are unable to face the challenges in market via Internet. According to their unimpressive and non-persuaded marketing capacity as well as other weaknesses, they failed to achieve the success and turn into bankrupt., the medical information Website taht was once valued at over $1billion, was sold to a Florida company for $186,000 in cash term.

Other than that, their shares sold to the public in June 1999, rose to $45.75 three years ago before it falling with the collapse if the Internet Stock Bubbles. There are several reasons why the failed:
  • company sank into a cash crisis for the trademark, websites and others.
  • didn't realized the goal of the health-care industry.
  • consumers need more confidence to while is unable to build the trust and the brand valuesassociated with name to the consumers via Internet.
  • is the target of several calss-actions lawsuits.

The history and evolution of E-commerce

Posted by e-commerce at Wednesday, June 17, 2009 0 comments
The evolution of E-commerce can be attributed to a combination of a regulatory reform and technological innovation. Through Internet which played an important role in the evolution appeared in the late 1960s, E-commerce now took off with the arrival of the World Wide Web and the browsers in the 1990s.

E-commerce were first developed in the early 1970s with innovations like:
  • electronic funds transfer(EFT): - funds can be routed electronically from one organization to another.
  • electronic data interchange(EDI): - used to electronically transfer routine documents, that expanded electronic transfer from financial transactions to other types of transaction processing.
  • interorganizational system(IOS): - a system which allows the flow of information to be automated between organizations in order to reach a desired supply-chain management system, which enables the development of competitive organizations.
In the year of 1984, EDI or electronic data interchange, was standardized through ASC X12. This action guaranteed that companies would be able to complete transaction with another reliability. While in the year 1992, computers serve offer online retails products to its customers. This give the people the 1st chance to buy things off their computers. Netscape arrived in the year 1994 and it provide users a simple browser to surf the internet and a safe online transaction technology called Secure Sockets Layers. Following by the year of 1995, the two of the biggest name inE-commerce are launched which are and Digital Subscriber Line(DSL) provide fast and always-On internet service to subscribers accross to California。 This prompt people to spend more time and money online in the year of 1998. During 1999, retails spending over the internet reaches $20billion according to Finally, in 2000, the US government extended the moratorium on internet taxes until at least 2005.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Valentine's day?

Posted by e-commerce at Monday, June 15, 2009 0 comments

Valentine's day is coming? i think not cause now is middle of the year which is June. However, let me introduce myself, my name is Valentine Tai Zh Khang but not birth at 14 of Feb and why I have this name I have no idea maybe u can ask my parents.
Anyway, I come from small state that full of history and memory building which is Red House and also the famous food is Chicken Rice Ball (sound not bad) let me introduce MALACCA (somewhere south part of west Malaysia).

Okay, now let's talk about the my hobbies, not so many hobbies i have like playing online game but recently i have give up that make me suffer and waste a lots of sleeping time so been FORCE to sleep in class hahaha...
Moreover, Playing Basketball is another hobbies I love cause every time I shoot it is "air ball" so no choice don't have any luck (rate of scoring 1 out of 100 !!!). Next hobby is listening music, I love listening Music like R&B and Classical music YEAH! Watching drama is another hobby I have which recently the Hong Kong Drama in ASTRO On Demand that was really nice. Lastly, the last hobby of mine I think (I have not idea how many hobby I have) is reading book especially text book (oh men! give me a break!)

The most websites I visit is the Wikipedia, Google, Pro quest, YouTube, Face book, Friendster, animesuki, gougou, sogou, and so on...(too many website I have visit can't remember well the web page name)
For the purpose of visit Wikipedia, Google, and Pro quest is to do research in certain area because those website is an important sources to provide information in certain area, for the Wikipedia the accuracy of the information might be some problem but the problem come from where I have not idea...
YouTube, face book, and Friendster are the most youngster (like me) like to visit website for purpose of socialize and watch some video at the YouTube for FREE and also learn how to solve the RUBIK Cube by watching those video post in the YouTube.
For animesuki, gougou, and sogou are the website for downloading the movie and music for FREE!

As a Conclusion, this is my introduction hope u enjoy our blogs and we will bring u more about the e-commerce topic in future.

About ME >>Yap Chi Guan

Posted by e-commerce at Monday, June 15, 2009 0 comments
Hi all~!!My name is Yap Chi Guan, 21years old and i am from Serdang. Actually this is the first time i start to write a blog and i am pleasured that i can learn blogging from this E-Commerce subject. Blogging is also one of the tool that connecting people as what the Nokia slogan have stated. It help us keep in touch with friends.

Let's talk about my hobbies,I like to play online games, listen to songs, read and sometimes watch drama too. The websites that i most visited is that allow me to enjoy the music, which allow me to share the latest information and various knowledge with friends.Besides that, i also enjoy the which provide a lots of e-books for me to read through when i am free.

Intro of Tong YC

Posted by yc tong at Monday, June 15, 2009 0 comments

Blogging is one of the ways to reach friends and others who is interested about me, who is me, Tong Yee Chui. One of the reason of starting blogging were the subject I am studying now, the E-commerce in year 3 sem 1. It gives an opportunity for me to have more motivation to learn about the outside world of E-commerce. I like to play online game, enjoy the music and songs rhythm, and sometimes watch Japan animation too. When comes to online, either than playing online game, the website I never missed to visit are the forums. For example,Cari, Bubbl3 and Jb-forum. The topic discussed in the forum always delighted me and geared up my interest to be more aggressive on searching what is happening in the society. Furthermore, websites such as youtube, friendster, public bank pages, google and yahoo were the most visited website in my daily life. Every month, I needed to enter the public bank website for money transferring and some checking activities. Youtube and friendster are the websites which I can use to search my favorite video clip and get connected with friends. Last but not least, google and yahoo are the most famous visited websites in my lists. It can be partly of my life when comes to searching information to complete the tasks and assignments given by the tutor.


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