Saturday, June 20, 2009

An example of an E-commerce success

Posted by e-commerce at Saturday, June 20, 2009
Example of Success in E-Commerce, this topic which will come in mind is the company like EBay and Those are recently most popular e-commerce website but sometime I wondering is Domino’s is an example of success of the e-commerce?
The answer is yes, which I found out that the Domino’s pizza win the competitor Pizza Hut with the online order service in UK which the Pizza Hut did not offer this kind of service in the pass.
Moreover, the technology revolution and globalization, the growth of the high speed in broadband so the customer serve the web faster and can place an order online. Domino’s find out that placing order online is faster then phone order which 45 and 90 seconds respectively. Some more, the web page design is friendly user and makes it “fast, easy and intuitive”. So because of those the online order is easy to use and completely focused.
However, the Domino’s pizza also implements the m-commerce and they think this have the potential to increase the sales due to 12% of people placing order through mobile phone.

The following is the Domino’s e-commerce milestones
1997 first interactive pizza delivery completed in Cardiff through YesTV
July 1999 signs deal with Open
Sept 1999 launches Open interactive service
Nov 1999 rolls out online pizza-ordering service
July 2000 Telewest and Cable & Wireless (ntl) launch interactive TV (iTV)
Sept 2000 Domino’s airs the first fully transactional iTVad
2000 iTV makes up 80 per cent of e-commerce the remainder being Internet
2004 Internet makes up 80 per cent of e-commerce the rest is iTV
2005 e-commerce net sales reach £13.9 million. 70 per cent up on 2004 and make up 10.4 percent of a of all delivered sales in the UK (excluding carry-out)
2006 mobile commerce service launches on Reporo [1]

Some part of the Domino’s pizza profit in 2007 is contributed by e-commerce and drive sales up by 36.3 per cent. [2]

In conclusion Domino’s pizza is success example of e-commerce and always sold on speed which promises will send u a pizza in 30 minute so don’t forget when u hungry go Domino’s because Domino’s terminate your hunger!

So remember to order your pizza online at this link

1. Susie Harwood. (2006, June). Domino's delivers through digital. Revolution,40-42. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1066701041).
2. Domino's gains from broadband and digital. (2007, February). Precision Marketing,5. Retrieved June 20, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global database. (Document ID: 1223235941).


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