Monday, June 15, 2009

Intro of Tong YC

Posted by yc tong at Monday, June 15, 2009

Blogging is one of the ways to reach friends and others who is interested about me, who is me, Tong Yee Chui. One of the reason of starting blogging were the subject I am studying now, the E-commerce in year 3 sem 1. It gives an opportunity for me to have more motivation to learn about the outside world of E-commerce. I like to play online game, enjoy the music and songs rhythm, and sometimes watch Japan animation too. When comes to online, either than playing online game, the website I never missed to visit are the forums. For example,Cari, Bubbl3 and Jb-forum. The topic discussed in the forum always delighted me and geared up my interest to be more aggressive on searching what is happening in the society. Furthermore, websites such as youtube, friendster, public bank pages, google and yahoo were the most visited website in my daily life. Every month, I needed to enter the public bank website for money transferring and some checking activities. Youtube and friendster are the websites which I can use to search my favorite video clip and get connected with friends. Last but not least, google and yahoo are the most famous visited websites in my lists. It can be partly of my life when comes to searching information to complete the tasks and assignments given by the tutor.


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